
Fall Clothing Swap | Halloween & Winter Wear!


Since we had such a successful clothing swap in spring, we want to do another clothing swap - this time for both winter items and Halloween costumes! Mark you calendars for this family friendly event at Woodwalk Gallery.

More details to come but we have plans to make it fun for the whole family (thinking face painting, pumpkin decorating, etc.!) and a great way to kick off the fall season in Door County.

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Pride, Pizza, and Postcards at Peach Barn

Northern Door Activism and Northern Door Pride are partnering to host a "Get Out the Vote" non-partisan postcard writing event at Peach Barn Brewery on Thursday, September 19th, to inspire Door County voters to get out and vote on November 5th. The casual, family-friendly event will run from 3 to 8 pm, with postcard writers invited to stop in to write as little or as many as they prefer. Free pizza and postcard writing supplies will be provided. 

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March for Reproductive Freedom

March for Reproductive Freedom

It's time again to take action! We are going back to our roots for this event on Tuesday, July 2nd.

As you know, our group was founded on the belief that it is every persons right to have bodily autonomy and to have access to safe contraception and abortion care; the choice to become a parent or not is each person's own and is a highly personal one that no external force should have power over.

When SCOTUS revoked our right to choice on a federal level in 2022, we organized and marched in Sister Bay with over 30+ local business supporters and several hundred protesters. Now, thanks to a court ruling in Dane County last year, we no longer have to reside under the 1849 abortion ban we were reverted to. However - we are not protected from further restrictions in the future - with many states constantly attacking the right choose, we have more work to do.

With this march, we are hoping to draw awareness to the fact that we still have a federal abortion ban and many legislators in Wisconsin (and who represent Door County) want to further limit abortion access and care - and contraception and infertility treatments are at risk. Our ability to make our own healthcare decisions should be a protected right, not dictated by our state or federal government.

We are happy to announce that two candidates for the fall election will also be joining us as special guest speakers - Dr. Kristin Lyerly OB/GYN and Renee Palpham. They are running for assembly and congressional positions and will represent Door County if elected.

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2024 KICKOFF / Social Hour + Meet & Greet
to Apr 6

2024 KICKOFF / Social Hour + Meet & Greet

Join Northern Door Activism for a fun social mixer celebrating our year-plus of existence & accomplishments, and to talk about what’s to come in 2024 - including how to get involved, show support to candidates in the upcoming fall election, and participate in our community-focused micro-activism series.

It’s a mixer-style event meant to reintroduce ourselves and get geared up together for a new year of activism in Northern Door County!

+ We’ve added a “Cake Walk” fundraiser: bring cash to participate in our cake walk and you could take home some locally made, delicious baked goodies! Funds will support events like these and our “get out the vote” efforts this fall.

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Collaborative Community Pinwheel Project: Promoting Awareness & Action Against Gun Violence

Collaborative Community Pinwheel Project: Promoting Awareness & Action Against Gun Violence

It is a stark fact that gun violence is the number one cause of death for children in America. Reducing the risk of gun violence is not a partisan issue — nor is it a pro-gun or anti-gun binary. Gun violence is a multifaceted, complex issue which requires open, collaborative conversation from all perspectives to find effective action. Northern Door Activism group invites you to help our community take action on reducing risk of gun violence on July 9th from 3-5pm at Peach Barn Brewery. 

Attendees can participate in a collaborative effort to create a visual display of nearly 900 orange pinwheels which will represent the number of gun-related deaths in children aged 0-18 in the United States during the first half of 2023.* The visual project, which will be installed in a highly visible location in northern Door County at a later date, is aimed at bringing awareness to the high rate of gun violence — especially impacting children and young adults — and hopes to promote community action for increased gun safety and risk reduction.

During the event, Northern Door Activism will facilitate conversations around the realities of gun violence locally and various ways we can come together as a community to reduce the risk for ourselves, our families, and Door County residents. Visit for more information.. 

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One Year Without Roe | Sister Bay Sign-Holding Event

One Year Without Roe | Sister Bay Sign-Holding Event

Saturday, June 24 is a national day of action marking the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V. Wade.

As Northern Door Activism was born out our response to this event, and as Wisconsin women are still without safe and legal abortions one year later, we will be hosting a sign holding event on the corner of Bay Shore Dr. and Mill Rd. in Sister Bay (the spot where we held signs last year at the end of our Walk for Women).

Grab your signs and meet us there Saturday, June 24, from 11am - 1pm. We know it is a busy time, so come and go as you're able - hope to see you there and stand with you in solidarity!

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Democratic Party of Door County: Thomas Paine Dinner & Pie Party

Join us in supporting the Democratic Party of Door County for their annual Thomas Paine Dinner & Door County Pie Party. Join Door County Dems and special guest Lieutenant Governor Sara Rodriguez for a “Revolutionary Experience of Community.” Event is at the Kress Pavilion in Egg Harbor, and will include heavy finger foods, beer, wine or BYOB, and a pie auction.


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to May 21

Food Drive for Door County Food Pantry / Lakeshore CAP

In partnership with Door County Democrats, Northern Door Activism is supporting Lakeshore CAP - a local community action program - by hosting a food drive box at The Peach Barn Brewery through May 21st. The food pantry program is in need of non-perishable food items currently.

The Door County Food Pantry hours of operation are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 AM-4 PM at 131 S Third Ave in Sturgeon Bay and they are happy to serve you if you need food and reside in Door County.

If you are in the Sturgeon Bay area: Saturday, May 20, the DPDC will have board members and volunteers in the parking lot with cheerful conversation and boxes at 217 N 4th Ave in Sturgeon Bay.

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Youth Mental Health & Wellness 101

Youth Mental Health & Wellness 101

Mental Health Awareness Month is May, and Northern Door Activism is proud to bring you an important panel discussion on youth mental health & wellness. This event is open to everyone, but is especially geared towards parents and caregivers of children, adolescents and young adults.

We are honored to have several experts and industry professionals on the panel, plus a youth apprentice:
- Ally Bretl, LCSW and STRIDE Provider, Door County Medical Center
- Simon Rabas, LCSW, Door County Medical Center
- Elizabeth Patera-Butz, MA, LPC and STRIDE Provider, Gibraltar Schools
- Symone Sandoval, Sevastopol High School Senior, United Way Youth Apprentice

There will be a panel discussion covering some key questions parents have expressed having more education on, including topics like: anxiety, bullying, social media, smartphone/internet use. If you have your own questions, we will be taking suggestions via written submissions at the start of the event or please email in advance:

Thank you to United Way of Door County for the support in planning this event and to Peach Barn Brewing for being the host. This is a family-friendly event and snacks and refreshments will be offered!

We hope to see you at this event which is bringing a local awareness and discussion to the northern Door County communities. Everyone is invited to stay after the panel discussion to meet the panelists and other professionals in the mental health space who will be in attendance.

If you are in the mental health space in any capacity, please RSVP so we can recognize your work at the event:

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