Join TAG: Take Action Group

NDA’s Take Action Group: (TAG) Anti-Gun Violence Against Children

Why TAG? Thoughts and prayers are nice, but we need to take collective action. The acronym is representative of the system we will use to take action collectively across the span of an entire year. With this approach we are committing to consistency > reactionary response

What is the TAG system? The idea is that this TAG group will eventually commit 365 people to taking action as a group, across an entire year. Each single person will only need to fully commit to taking action for one day out of the year to participate. The TAG leaders (NDA) will contact the group members of the week via text/email to remind them of their commitment to take action during their assigned dates and share any current relevant information on gun violence legislation. Contacts and a recommended script along with local gun violence data will be provided as well to make taking action easily, the priority.

What are group members committing to? On that day of commitment (the day will be assigned), the group member of the day will take time to, at minimum, call and/or email their state and federal representatives about why they are personally concerned about gun violence against children and ask what is being done to solve this epidemic. Participants can go further and talk to their friends and family, neighbors, co-workers and beyond about how to safely store guns, and invite the to join TAG; share about what they did to take action on social media or via group email; ask (or “tag”) 5 friends to do the same; donate to an anti-gun violence group, etc. Think of TAG as a “tag you’re it” turn-taking system. Essentially, pass on the ‘take action’ baton!

Why would this be more effective than my taking action alone? The hope is that daily, consistent reminders to our representatives (and action within our community) will start to move the needle and keep the issue top of mind vs. the influx of concern post-mass shooting that naturally occurs and wanes as time goes on. This is a consistent issue which requires persistent, collective action. Legislators have not done enough, so we need to continue to push them to do more - but do so in a way that spreads out the weight collectively and allows us all to apply pressure as a whole without the task feeling overwhelming / hopeless for any one individual. 

What if I forget? We would hope that committing to one day out of the year (at minimum) allows for you to put maximum effort behind it - but life is life! And if you forget, take action as soon as you are able. We will still be meeting our goal of consistent action if there are some days out of 365 days are missed. But we are counting on you to commit to your specific date in order to maximize impact.


We will first aim to fill 3 months of committed members (89 people for February-April) and then keep adding people in monthly increments and hopefully we can make it to 365 throughout the year.

I have a question: please email us at

Q: Is this TAG only for Door County residents?

A: At the moment, yes, as we believe this will be the most impactful for our local representatives.